Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tips memilih tadika/kindergarten di Puchong (part 1)

Bila pindah ke Puchong Alesya refused to stay with new baby sitter. Dia kata the baby sitter beat her up. Tak sure how true the statement sebab bila tanya baby sitter tu she denied (of course she will) so, kindergarten hunting started.
Unfortunately tak banyak kindy yang accept her (we have been rejected) because she was 2.5 years and kebanyakan kindy cuma accept at 3 even she dah fully potty train. Luckily Tadika Cahaya Ria (Bukit puchong) accept her after screening. Mungkin sebab Alesya join playgroup di Gymboree that's why she quite independent kot. Yet, kindergarten hunting not yet end.
Siapa cakap mudah je nak pilih tadika? As early education ni important so we have write down few option for us to choose next year (when she is 3)

1. What do we want?
- of course lah kan as a parent kita dah ada planning for our childen. Either nak lebihkan pendidikan agama, matematik, english etc. As for us kami nak bagi Alesya belajar mandarin so we all make a list semua kindy yang ada mandarin.

2. System 
- Banyak kindy system. yang proven success, yang tak proven. tinggal nak pilih je. Dari segi material, buku, alat bantuan mengajar semua nih termasuk dlm sistem. 
after some reading and sorting aku dok fikir antara montessari, fungates and q-dees.

3. Facilities
- For sure we looking for excellent facilities. Yang well maintain punya kerusi meja, mungkin mainan2 mcm gelungsur etc. Yelah yg nk gi sekolah ni baru umur 3 tahun, belajar dengan bermain and learn with fun kan. Kalau dari luar tadika tu nampak hodoh tanak der aku...(heheheh)

4. Location
- Of course ni pun main peranan. Kalau tadika with good review and testimoni but bapak jauh dari rumah aku..tanak lah jugak. Kalau boleh either dekat rumah or on the way ke office boleh drop my little darling. Another thing me prefer kindy kat housing area compare to commercial area. Ni due to parking, safety etc (termasuk malas nak memanjat tangga rumah kedai)

5. Budget
No kidding ada kindy + daycare will cost you RM1+++. So budget aku bawah RM800.

6. Foods
Oh sebab tak ada sapa yang nak pick darling after class we prefer kindy with daycare. Foods of course provided. Tapi selalu kalau tadika yang ada mandarin ni majoriti operated by chinese. On food side a bit tricky. Memang sometime diorg ckp HALAL tp kan ramai non muslim tak faham apa itu HALAL. They thi it is PORK FREE. Which is not. Takut kang bagi chicken soup tapi ayam tak disembelih ikut syarak. So if no choice mungkin boleh bekalkan makanan dari rumah.

So with those requirement di atas left few option to choose and with few name left in the list. Names and review of the kindy in part 2 ok. Panjang sgt dah tak larat aku nak tulis. to be continue..hehehe

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