Friday, August 6, 2010

Glitterati status

Responding to some ppl concern of their 'glitter' status...
Ada yang takut kalau 'glitter' status di tarik balik oleh Nuff kalau ada blogger post link YS kat shoutbox diorg
So, aku pun mengambil langkah bertanya ngan Mr. Nuff sendiri
Well, third party post on your shoutbox is beyond your control right?
Well, below is Nuff answer:

No, text links in your shoutbox will not affect your Glitterati status. However, text links or ad script codes anywhere else on your blog will probably affect membership status though.

hope this help


CIK TOM said...

oo cam2 pulak ek..hehe...

Belalang hijau Perisik said...

aritu time letak mangga ad ilang gak status geli2 tuh...
skrg dah jd geli2 blk sbb dah buang mangga ad...
