Saturday, July 31, 2010

World Breastfeeding Week 2010 (1-7 August 2010)

Yup..bagi yang tak aware, tomorrow suda start WBW 2010...

Bagi aku yang tegar ngan BF nih...memang mengalu-alukan WBW..bukan apa utk bagi kesedaran to all mommies and oso bakal2 mommies ttg kebaikan BF.

Kenapa tak nak BF yer??
- working mama?? Tak kuasa nak pam? berkorban utk anak skit bleh?
- BM tak der 'label' DHA dan sebagainya mcm kat tin FM yer? tak cukup pengetahuan nih
- Breast tak cantik kalau BF? sebab salah pilih size bra time preggy actually
- BF so kampung? ye ke?
- BM tak der?? Stimulate, minum byk air, try pil2 kat market and jaga makanan

owh...byk sgt alasan sebenarnya...
suka hati korang ler...anak korang...kekekek

Hm....aku BF Alesya sebab (tak ikut susunan yer)
- Aku nak bagi yang terbaik utk dia
- Sebab aku malas nak bgn malam buat susu
- Aku dok umah senang BF
- Jimat duit
- Build bond between aku n anakku

Jadi, jom lah memeriahkan WBW 2010 ni dgn memberi yg terbaik utk anak2 kita. Tambahkan pengetahuan dlm BF and renung2kan lah yer yang blm BF tu.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Weekend 30 Jul - 1 Aug 2010

How to spend our weekend. Some suggestion..

1) Sempena Hari Pahlawan 2010, Masjid Negara akan menganjurkan Kempen Derma Darah dan Pameran Pendidikan Kesihatan Siri 2/2010. Kepada mereka yang berminat dan prihatin untuk membuat kebajikan dengan menderma darah, boleh hadir ke Anjung Makam Pahlawan, Masjid Negara, Jalan Perdana, Kuala Lumpur pada Hari Jumaat, 30 Julai 2010 (Jumaat) bermula jam 10.00 pagi sehingga 4.00 petang. Harap maklum.

2) Festival Kuala Lumpur 2010 still berlangsung. Yang minat teater, persembahan muzikal etc bleh check schedule kat sini

3) Kalau jalan-jalan area Kajang ada fiestakajang. Nak tau lebih lanjut klik ler sini

4) Shopping baby item?? Ader...tgk sini

Tapi, aku teringin nak g sini

hmm....ntah2 dok umah jer...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

6 things i hate about giveaway / contest

Actually, i do not have much spare time now on giveaway since Alesya is seeking more attention from me. I guess i have to take a break on this. Best sebenarnya join giveaway nih, apart from bleh dpt free things, byk benda yang mengujakan sebenarnya. To feel how lucky you are, to see your name selected, nervous on the result etc...
Tapi ada jugak yang aku tak bekenan..contohnya

tak tau hadiah lagik
salah satu reason aku join giveaway sebab aku suka hadiahnyer. Sometime ada organizer yang tak tau hadiah lagik. i dunno what i missed tapi kalau masa aku terhad aku choose not to join. Sebab kalau hadiah tu mungkin tak berguna utk aku lebih baik bagi orang lain kan. Macam hadiah barang2 utk buat kraftangan..aku tak join sebab aku nih keras tangan. mesti terbiar jer kat drawer..kalau org kreatif yg dpt tu...berhasil lah jugak

tak ada closing date
sometimes, organizer ckp kalau org dah ramai akan decide close. Unless u tell cukup 50 participants ok lah. Kalau too depend on organizer malas gak aku nak join. malas nak check bila tutup, bila result and bila nak dapat hadiah kalau aku memang. Malas nak pk byk so jgn berharap n tak join ler...kekeke

terlalu byk demand
kalau optional bleh tahan lagi. camna kalau semuanya wajib?
wajib jd follower organizer / follow kawan organizer / tag 5 kawan utk join / subsribe newsletter / buat entry / put banner / put button / tweet daily / fan fb...mak aih kalau semua wajib tak dapek den nak join yer

lanjutkan masa contest pulak
ni pun aku kureng gemar gak...dah join tetiba dilanjutkan laks...boleh diterima sebab kadang2 organizer ada alasan sendirik tapi kalau lajutkan berbulan2 plak...tetiba cam rasa nak tarik diri

dah tutup sebulan tapi nama pemenang tak umum pun
kekadang aku pun pelik gak...sampai sebulan lebih ambik masa nak umumkan winner...semua org sibuk...aku yang sibuk pun bleh spare time buat semua yang wajib dan sunat utk dpt penyertaan least take about 1 week time ok lah kan..haizz....

mana hadiah nih??
aku menang..yea...menang....
eh aku menang dah 2 bulan tu mana eh hadiahnya?? kat blog pun tak update...status...nak email cam segan lah plak. penganjurlah yang patut tau kan...

hahah...sorry yer kalau melampau2 kenyataan di atas. TAPI....memang ada berlaku okay. Geng2 yang selalu join memang tau kan. yer memang kebanyakan nama sama jer join semua giveaway and contest..kekeke
Ramai organizer yang okay...yang dah siapkan hadiah awal2, dah tutup cepat2 umum pemenang...and terus pos. selalu update kat blog statusnya. memang kebanyakan yang macam tu. Aku cuma ckp psal yang segelintir nih... :-)

Way.............behind schedule

Hmm...since Alesya not feeling well, i do not have chance to work on my blogshop Mummy's Little Angel (MLA).'s way...behind it's schedule.
However, she's getting better now (except for bad cough) and hope that i can work on my project soon.
Here's my progress
1) blog ( - about 30%
2) facebook - about 70%
3) twitter - yet to register

oh...i'm going to organize a giveaway introduce my new blogshop. I guess, my blogshop will be ready by middle of august. Hope everything will go smooth...

Wish me luck guys!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

JOHNSON’S® baby ‘Baby of the Year 2010’

For those yang suka nak join tu bleh ler...
Alesya nak join ke? Hmm..ntah la...Daddy dia blm ckp apa2 pun

Cara nak sertai seperti di bawah..nak tau lebih korang klik sini yer

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Learning new motherhood chapter

Alesya demam...
On thursday Alesya muntah 2x. After milk she take her nap n tiba2 batuk n muntah. During lunch time and around 7pm cam tu. I thought indigestion problem. Gave some gripe water. But later that night she sleep soundly. So i thought tak der apa-apa lah.
Everything was fine. Until 11.00 pm aku switch off all lights nak bg dia tdo. Dia still nak main2 so i forced her to have milk and sleep. During BF i sensed she got flame then she vomited again. After that terus tdo. I slept about 2am and see everything was in order.
Early morning buat appointment utk Alesya kat SDH (previously known as SJMC.) Paed ckp ada flame n prescibe few medinices.
Body temperature Alesya naik turun..Stop ubat spital
Alhamdulillah getting better. Dah tak demam. Selsema n flame dah kurang.

What do i learn?
-  Stay up late night
*joking...but yes i set alarm every hour to check on her. Afraid that temperature suddenly go high or she may have difficulties to breath.
*hahah...basically i try to understand all medicines presribe to her. Notice paed presribed hydroxyzine 10mg and paracetamol susp 250mg for her fever. Once i gave them both coz her fever go more than 37.5 degree then i stop just coz decided bagi paracetamol bp 120mg yg dpt dr gomen clinic on her monthly check up. Luckily she's fine. Because so hard to feed her twice and paracetamol not good for baby actually.
-Traditional treatment
*Yeah..even after all medication as prescribed tapi still tak baik betul so aloe vera n asam jawa my case. n kunyit for flu.

so u guys know y i not blogwalking dis few days. will do so soon she back to normal. in fact i cradle carry her now. hmm....she keep crying coz her flu.

c you guys around. pray that my lil gurl back to normal soon k.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Yana Craft Giveaway

I guess my schedule have totally changed now. Camna nak buat Alesya dah guling2 kalau tak tgk risau plak. So kena lepak nearby her. Nak update and blogwalking agak susah but i will make time at night...
Btw, received below items yang ai menang kat yana craft . Dapat 2 days back

Ni ler tuan rumah giveaway yana craft. Sapa minat craft work nak tgk barang cantik2 lawat lah web dia yer.

Aku dpt Hair clip, keychain berangkai, mobile keychain, wreslet, sewing kit dan kerongsang. Korang tgk lah sendiri

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Homemaker: A profession

There's an episode in Desperate Housewife (yes! i'm a tv-drama addicted), when Bree Hodge said, i'm working, i'm a housewife....Yes! they take it as profession.
So, kalau housewife nih profession..i'm a full timer. Ada yang part timer, ada yang weekly, ada yang every fortnight or ada yang just supervise.
In addition as a profession, ada yang pro, amateur, beginner or newbie.
What homemaker do?
Including and not limited to cooking, do the laundry, take care children, housekeeping and fixing things too.
Eventho homemaker play a big role in our life (of course to maintain our house so that we feel comfortable back to home after work!) but many do not appreciate this job. Yes, this the most infamous job in world and lowest pay too...
Yet, i still love my profession. I get opportunity to learn and get new experience, do what i love (spend time with Alesya of course) and sometime get tips (money i found in pants during laundry..heheheh). What else you need in your job right? It hard but i hope to upgrade myself too...You know to be a pro...whom a good cook (the type that can cook dim sum for breakfast, rendang for lunch, muffin and tart for tea and tosei for dinner), laundry? (oh..i pretty good at this..check all pockets/ zipper/ separate color/other special fabric inst), good nanny? (on my way)..fix thing?? (very far away from me.....) hahhahaha
Ok..whatever profession always remember to love your job and do it with your full heart.

info: If the homemaker is part of the family, a female homemaker is usually termed as housewife, and a male homemaker, a househusband.

Masih relevankah kursus perkahwinan?

Ada sahabat yang sibuk nak ambik kursus pra perkahwinan. Alhamdulillah, dah sampai jodohnya. Nasihat aku pilihlah tempat yang betul supaya kursus tu bermanfaat.
Pengalaman aku
Dah berlalu hampir 2 tahun, tapi ada yang masih jelas diingatan. Aku pilih tempat yang agak femes...Harap2 dpt jumpak artis kat sana di samping menimba ilmu. tak senonoh tul nawaitu ko. Dah sain kertas kedatangan, first speaker pun masuk. Tak ingat on what topic but byk betul dirty jokes. OMG! Aku dah tak senang duduk. Aku memang tak di ajar utk ketawa pada dirty jokes. Pls...pls...pls...u can always use proper sentence. Nikah menghalalkan seks...enuff...mentioned that and it well said. Unfortunately, almost semua speaker use same method..sometime i do not see why they have to do that.
For me i see kursus pra perkahwinan ni as the best place yang diorg boleh ambil utk menyampaikan nasihat secara tegas utk:
- kurangkan kadar penceraian (maybe can show percentage kadar penceraian umat islam di Malaysia, percentage of reason..maybe 20% sebab wang, 25% tak boleh bertolak ansur ke....bagi pendapat how to avoid and not become statistics...)
-Menjadi ibu bapa terbaik (how to produce anak2 soleh dan solehah yang boleh mendoakan kita bila dah mati kelak..utk kembangkan generasi umat islam yang terbaik...)
Come on lah...takkan sehari kursus dah letih tak boleh nak concentrate and need this kind of jokes to fresh up many other way to do
There's another joke about malay came to kursus and they shocked this good looking women choose to tie a knot with an african guy. He's black i mean...with those curly hair..huge...OR MAYBE they can say...hati2 kalau nak kawin ngan non malaysian. I mean this people mmg byk involve with those back to basic..AGAMA, KETURUNAN, PARAS RUPA & MONEY$$$. Terapkan macam tu tak boleh ke? Be more sensitive. Sebab tak semua org hatinya sehitam kulit...Bilal bin Rabah pun black guy but who is him???
Mungkin aku terlalu menilai tapi aku cuba point out the dark side of this kursus. Ada lagi few things...tapi dah tak ada mood nak tulis.
At last, aku ckp ada hal and i left kursus with 2 more session unattended. Guess what?? Aku dapat gak sijil Of course as i am now married. So, what do you think?
Jgn kursus ni menguntungkan pihak2 tertentu sahaja. I mean everyone TERPAKSA ambil and make payment. It should be a win-win situation then.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Update: My Adidas Merchandise

Yesterday aku dah g collect my Adidas merchandise yang aku dpt dr the star survey.

Yup...jam meja. Belum di set kan time lagik...
Apa yang tak best??
Owh...dapat hadiah memang best tapi kan...

Aku kena byr RM8.00 utk parking kat pavilion for 17 mins
Mcm tak worth it nak collect jam nih have to pay that much..
Unless we have something to do @ pavillion then ok lah OR we know that the prize worth more than parking fees :-)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I Love to Touch My...........

Dear Diary,

Remember i told you about my new company policy to banned personal internet use in office? Hm..No more personal email, blog and FB in office. Okay, now do you remember when i do math here about buying new phone for me? Oh yeah...i think i found one!

  • Key Features
  • Simple SNS Connector
  • LiveSquare™
  • Cookie Speed Dial
  • Widgets & Applications
  • My Multimedia
  • Email On-the-Go
  • Dolby Sound, Music Hotkey, Ringtone Creator

It gorgeous right?? (i know you will say yes!) Sure it's LG Cookie. Plus it is touch screen phone, come in cool colors and affordable.

Why touch screen phone?
Oh diary! You don't have any idea how hard using my current phone with those 'keypad'. With touch screen phone:
- i can browse my photo album easily.
- it don't take half of my lunch time typing, scrolling and browsing just to make only ONE shoutout in my FB
- i can play solitaire during my lunch
- i can read my personal email easily and don't have to hurt my nail and finger pressing button just to scroll down! 
- it will make me look more sophisticated 

On top of that:

yes...nuffnaggers are so lucky as nuffnang is throwing away a party (read: monster party a.k.a no human allowed). Only 100 monsters will get invited. 
It will be rockin' good party...more phones to be won and will be hosted by monster chief kenny sia
 *photo before transform to original monster face!

Oh diary! I wanna rawrr with all the monsters. But, how should i dress then?
should i look like silly monster? or violent? shy and cute?? scary? red eyes with green hair monster?  

brainstorming...i wanna be unique, adorable and eye-catching monster...
owh...we must start thinking like monster...which saloon should we go now?

Dear diary,
I'm signing off now. I will catch you later...

p/s: i love to touch my LG Cookies. Proven save after manicure session.

** this entry is  made for  nuffnang LG Cookie. You may join me to win LG cookie phone series and get invited to above mentioned party. Pls click here to get more details.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hey..check this out!

Oh..can you see that?

Here arrived my...

Dah sampai parcel baju yang aku menang (hadiah misteri) utk mywish giveaway yang dianjurkan oleh yantz.
First time seh dpt hadiah nih..
Makcik excited lah kan...

Ni ler baju nyer

Saiz besar so adiah utk mr hubby lah yer...

Ni lah yang membuatkan aku motivated utk join giveaway nih
However terpaksa berhenti seketika memberi laluan kepada 'mummy little angle'

Monday, July 5, 2010

Genius Aulad Talents feat Raihan - We are brothers & sisters

Get to know about Genius Aulad ni thru Melodi couple of month ago. Nak beli utk Alesya album diorg. She used with popular rhyms so can introduce this one jugak kan. Asyik apple & banana, humpty dumpty so kena dgr pulak we are brother n sister, happy to solat etc...
Korang pun bg lah sokongan akan memeriahkan lagi lagu2 mcm nih dlm industri kita.
music kan bleh stimulate baby brain.
Ok...enjoy the song
p/s we are brother and sister

The making of 'Mummy Little Angle'

Oh! Never think of that...i'm not expecting. wink! Actually that my blogshop that i decided to launch early of next month.
What i'm gonna have in this blogshop? 
Since i'm into good and natural parenting, i will share this love will all mommas out there. Will share good product in babywearing, breastfeeding, cloth diapers and so on.
Ada ke org nak beli?
Hmm...tak cuba tak tahu lah kan. I know there is large market outside and semuanya rezeki dari Allah. Murah rezeki Alesya insyaAllah adalah tu.
What brand will you carry?
So far i think bamboolite, coolababy, autumz, spectra3 and maybe pognae for baby carrier. In process of finalising.
Any grand opening discount?
Absolutely..pls bear with me

Hmm...btw, i'm not feeling well lately. I just need to sleep more...seriously!

Finding the right one last i got chance to post this entry. First because Alesya dah pusing2 sana sini. So, risau jugak. Kalau dia tido baru ler ada peluang. Second, coz we are busy finding house. Oh yes, we are looking for landed property right. Last nite ada visit one house so rasa mcm dah jumpa...the right one. Second hand house @ puchong kinrara.

Why second hand house??
- new project for landed property beyond our budget
- normally new project will be in new area. want to be in place where we familiar with
- takut jadi project terbengkalai
- dah tak sabar nak move in kalau projek baru kena tunggu
- dah tau sapa neighbour and tau how the sorrounding

and the list go on...

however, still finalising the decision..nak nego price, nak survey neighbour and oso how the environment there. house okay, but of course need to spend some money for renovation. owh..have to save every single penny.

will update if we decide to go for this house

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I won Adidas merchandise

Tadi aku g blogwalking then jumpa pasal ni kat blog yant
so try luck...dpt seh...
cuma lupa nak printscreen..kalu tak bleh eksen skit..heheh
so apa kata korang pun try luck...
klik sini...
survey pendek jer...

Tell us about your experiences and win Adidas merchandise

PETALING JAYA: Some people cannot live without it and some cannot live with it.
The World Cup is entering the quarter-final stage and we want to know how it is affecting the lives of football-crazy Malaysians.
Whether you are having sleepless nights watching the matches or because someone else is. Tell us by participating in The Star-Adidas Loudest Noise Survey at
Every 10th entry wins an Adidas merchandise and every 50th entry wins an exclusive Adidas vuvuzela.
Prizes are to be redeemed at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur on July 11 from 4pm to midnight. Uncollected prizes will be forfeited.
Rules and regulations are available on the website.

Review on Lunatots Cloth Diapers

I have been using CD since Alesya 2 months old. So far i'm using Lunatots. Time for review...
So, basically apa yang aku suka about lunatots CD nih ialah:
- Jahitan agak kemas
- Fleece memang soft
- Senang nak cuci poo-poo

yang tak bestnya...
- cutting agak kecik utk baby yg chubby cam Alesya
- bulky kalau masukkan 2 insert

*after this kalau beli CD aku akan go for velco i/o button sebab nak tukar Cd taim Alesya tdo memang susah. Bunyi bukak button bleh buat dia terbangun.
*Alesya ada ruam lampin skit..fleece tak membantu so will go for bamboo
*kena beli CD cutting besar utk Alesya sbb CD cutting kecik leave mark kat thigh dia.

Ni lah antara koleksi CD Lunatots aku.. (yang tak masuk gambar ada dlm bakul cucian n tgh dipakai :-)

BTW, Bamboolite and coolababy bamboo on it's way. Nanti dah pakai aku review yang nih pulak.

sisibux SCAM

Just to update all of you yang suka PTC macam aku...sisibux is a SCAM 
Aku dah request payout since 24/6/2010 tapi tak ada byr pun..
Sib baik amount tak byk and aku pun tak ada buat apa-apa upgrade...
